Hi there 😀
Is there a "solo" mode on ARP, which would allow you to mute all the arpeggiators at once, except the selected one ?
Instinctively, I tried to press the MUTE button on arpeggiator 2 for a long time, hoping that it would be the only one playing and that 1, 3 and 4 would mute, but that didn't work.
I looked in the manual, but I couldn't find this "solo" function. Is there a way to do that ?
Thank you
There isn't a solo mode, I'm afraid. In the original design I couldn't find an ideal and useful solution.
No room for dedicated buttons
ARP doesn't support double tap (for reasons)
Long Hold isn't fast enough to solo instantly (during performance)
It's a case of 3 finger pressing the tracks you want to mute.
I was thinkingthe same. A rapid double tap in mute or long hold on mute?