I have a few other ideas that might be really useful for live input, particularly for the situation of playing a one-note (or one-octave) left-hand with a soloing right hand:
A mode where the root note determines also the mode of the chord (e.g. you tell ARP you're in the key of C major, and you play an E as the root note, the resulting chord should be an E minor as that's the correct chord for the key, etc.) -- a lot of times sampling the root and then some random lead note above it gives just one or two notes to the list that ARP picks from when playing over it, and that's a little frustrating. This would work really well with one-finger and split.
A mode where the notes are only "sampled" once per beat, so you can noodle away furiously but hit the chord you want on the beat without messing up the arp during the beat. Same thing for bar. (Would be nice if this could be chosen along with the above mode, so you could have 1-finger dynamic chord selection sampled on the beat or bar, for a walking bassline to input the structural chords.)
Similar to the above, but slightly different: in normal arp mode, a per-arp option to use a simple "best match" heuristic to choose the appropriate chord from the sampled notes, instead of using only the sampled notes.
This kind of chord/scale detection stuff is enormously complicated and everyone wants it to behave a little differently. I never intended ARP to be a chord machine that knows chord scale intervals, etc. I feel it limits the scope for exploration of new musical progressions. My fall back is that you could play chords on keys or use a chord machine to silently feed ARP with the scale you want and noodle over that.
A mode where note are sampled once per beat would need a lot of configuring and only match a specific style of playing. Never say never but it's not in the plan. I'm afraid. If the can think of a simplified way to achieve what you want I'll be happy to explore further. The closest thing on the current roadmap is a, what I want to call "Shadow" mode where the scale is sampled over a defined period, e.g. 1 bar. It'll never be perfect because it can't predict the future but it'll allow ARP to create more complex harmonic sequences from a monophonic melody or bassline.