Hello, i just took possession and I am getting familiar, i had a few questions/observations:
The knobs on the white version were pretty loose, and moved/wiggled before a parameter actually changed, i added tissue paper in the D shaft to tightent them up, maybe a different knob supplier would work better, some of my other D shaft knobs were tight when i swapped them.
The main encoder seems to miss some turns here and there when turning slowly, and when turning faster, the exponential nature of the parameter change is a little hard to predict where it will land. is this something that can be tweaked in the software?
Is there a way or a future plan to allow each arp track to respond to separate incoming midi channels and not only one global channel? So each arp could respond to a different incoming channel.
On mono vs poly mode, i saw in the manual that mono mode was per channel, that isnt implying poly mode is not per channel correct? So it can be in poly or mono per channel and the main difference is the poly mode lets gates overlap, correct?
Is there a way to request a solo button combo, idea is to maybe hold one or more sequencer buttons then tap a mute button and those sequencers solo instead of mute.
Is there a setting for when Arp is receiving clock but no midi input, it will not output any notes or is mute/unmute the only option?
Is there a midi panic to send cc 123 or all notes off out to devices? i get some stuck notes sometimes.
On knobs I have tissue paper that tightens them fine, if I have to send back for some other reason I would consider at that time.
I can work with how it’s exponential on turning, but it seems less consistent on the larger turns, on big range parameters, trying to fast turn gives different results each attempt, just not as consistent as I prefer but I can work around it. A bigger issue for me is missing single parameter changes on individual clicks. Some turns just don’t register.
I was thinking, but didn’t mention, mute on release is a good way to work. Which would also let you cue up single or multiple mutes and or solos for single handed operation on the button Combo.
Ok, it’s just different than expected that when I stop playing a sequence into it, that another sequence begins, the seed takes over. I can work with it with mutes.
I’ll check it out.
Thanks for the replies, I am enjoying the unit I just had some thoughts, maybe I am early in my usage to propose changes.