Allow a mask to be applied to the sequence, the mask is a set of specific notes or gates that can be used to determine which notes on the arp sequence are allowed through to output.
Example would be if an arp sequence has 16 notes repeating. And a Euclidean mask of 16 pulses on a 23 step mask length, notes matching the gate pattern of the mask are let through.
Allow mask length, pulse count, rotation, probability, pitch on/off.
Mask types could be Euclidean, external sequence (on a different midi channel), another midi cake arp channel, upcoming midi cc shapes (convert shapes to gate or pitch patterns), random.
Pitch and rhythm of an external sequence on another midi channel could be different than the arp channel where it’s an option to mask by gate pattern only or gate + pitch (both have to match to apply mask)
Option to invert the mask, so matching gates/notes mute and the non matching are voiced.
Thank you for the suggestion!
I'll have to think about how such a system could fit into ARP's UI and sequence engine. I've add it to the list to explore. I'll get back to you.