I'd like to be able to compose in 3/4, 6/8, and other metrics. Having 4 beats to the bar makes this rather awkward. Could we set the number of beats to a bar, please? :)
Yes, but I don't comprehend how, if my other sequencers are playing 3 beats to the bar at 120 bpm (= 72 ticks / bar) putting 3 notes across ARP's bar of 96 ticks is in any way equivalent... am I missing something? I want the progressions, the "stop at end of bar" and the chord sequencer to change, in that case, every 72 ticks. Unless I misunderstand it, the time parameter doesn't let me specify that.
Ah, I didn't realise you meant around the chord chains. No, as per the other thread, chord chains are due some attention and are at present tied to a MIDI bar of 96 clock ticks.
Are you on the latest firmware? The Time Parameters let you do, pretty much, anything you want.