Dear All
I've searched the manuals and not seen anything that jumps out at me to solve this issue and I should probably go through the manuals thoroughly. However, in case it's a simple one, here's my scenario.
I have a Keith McMillen USB K-Board which I was using along with a USB to Midi converter box and an Arpie to send arps to my Digitakt. My Digitakt has it's auto channel set to 1 which is the channel the K-Board is set to. The midi tracks are routed to the four channels of a MC-101, a KO-II and whatever guest synth is appearing that day :)
With the Arpie I could just tell it to pass the MIDI through without doing anything so, for example, I could record an arp to channel 1 of the MC101 and then press track two of the digitakt, tell Arpie to just pass through and solo along with channel 2 of the MC101. Rinse and repeat.
is it possible with a simple press to do the same with Midicake? Note that I can't change the K-Board midi channel without using their config software so I need to be transmitting on 1 all the time.
If obvious I apologise and if not possible, no worries, I will have to try and get creative :)
best regards
Hi Chris
Many thanks for the quick reply and you are completely correct in your summary. I have a better understanding of the interface now. It's not a biggie to manipulate the menu's if I can get it into my memory.
I could indeed just mute the arp tracks and leave Thru enabled and, as the plan is currently to record onto the digitakt, an arp pattern and then mute the arp and have the digitakt play the recorded arp, that would work.
And I'm just sat in my room so not a performance issue :)
The Arpie is a much simpler beast on what it can and can't do and has a simpler interface. You can tell it to stop listening on channel 1 and keep the arp going and will route channel 1 to midi through automatically. It has 16 buttons which when fiddling with in and out channels makes it very simple to switch things quickly.
I do have a norns I could use to handle midi switching. I did write a script ages ago to do something similar but lost it - Sounds like I should use this an incentive to write it again :)
Leave with me and I'll report back on progress - whatever happens I'm bound to have fun. In the meantime I need to find out why the DT has suddenly got a sulk on and refuses to sync with the Midicake, which was fine earlier :).
Once again, many thanks for the quick reply!
So If I understand correctly you have a scenario like this...
The KBoard outputs ch 1.
ARP is outputting ch 2
ARP is set to MIDI Input Channel 1 & MIDI Thru is on.
Sometimes you want ch1 to set ARP's Chord/Scale but NOT send Thru.
But then toggle so it does not affect ARP but Does send Thru.
Is that correct?
You would have to switch the MIDI Input Channel and disable MIDI Thru at the same time. There is currently no one-button trick to do this. Nor can you assign macros to menu options. This is something we are considering for a future update.
Some Thoughts...
You could leave Thru enabled and simply Mute the arp tracks.
If ARP is only playing when playing keys, you could toggle the Live Play option in the menu.
You could change the MIDI Routing Options to disable specific ports.
However, I know these options are not suited to a quick change during a performance. So far from ideal.
How was it achieved with Arpie?
For now an external switch is needed. You need to be able to change MIDI Channel or use a switchable MIDI router.
If you confirm that this is the scenario, I can look again into a way to implement this in ARP.
I hope this info helps.