I haven't had my ARP long, but it has been occupying lots of time of late. A couple days experimenting with learning each parameter, then it's off to the races! Thank you for such a cool and intuitive tool. ARP is a lot of fun on its own, but paired with other controllers it blows my mind. I spent a couple days with it doing its thing to Pad data generated by a Conducive Labs NDLR. Way cool. Then, I drove it with a Torso T-1 supplying algorithmically generated notes. Ah, heavenly bliss. Using ARP modifiers with T-1 algorithms creates such intricate and complex melodies, and it's not random.
Again, thank you.
Funny timing, because I recently bought my Arp and a NDLR and I'm using the holiday weekend to get to know both of them. I've been learning them individually, but I keep imagining ways I could integrate them, so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing a video, Chris!
Thank you so much for sharing your comments! I really appreciate you taking the time and it's a huge boost to hear ARP is bringing you joy!
I've been meaning to hook my NDLR into ARP and perhaps make a video with it. Should make for some interesting results!
Thanks again.
P. S. Sorry for the slow response, I recieved your post while traveling and had intended to msg back much sooner.