Among the 192 patches of the ARP, are there one or more patches which are empty, that is to say that the 4 arpeggiators are filled with a 'blank canvas' to use the words of the manual.
I am a beginner. Sometimes I don't know if the result of what I hear was just "performed" by me, or it's the effect of one or more parameter that was in the selected factory patch.
So I made a "blank canvas" using the "Clear selected track" in the Patches menu, but there may have already been one.
Thank you
Hello Chris,
You wrote :
Yes, I red this in the Appendix I on the manual. Does that mean that all 16 banks are populated with the same 12 example default patches.
You wrote :
Yes, and that's what's great about ARP. He is a magician. 😂 I still don't understand how ARP does his "magic" to manage to do such varied arpeggios.
It's really a great tool. 😂