I am trying to understand the scope of what's possible with the new MIDI CC modulations. Am I right in my understanding that MIDI CC changes are still only sent to the global CC Output MIDI channel, and not the MIDI channel assigned to the ARP track itself?
Does this mean that with a no-DAW setup I am unable to send MIDI CC changes to more than one device – for example, controlling the cutoff of all four synths?
That's brilliant, thanks. I must have just missed the right update but got it now. And thanks for considering what must seem like weird and wacky ideas from your perspective.
I was just going to query this after trying it out today and being puzzled. Good to hear the 'per track' option is coming. A fun update - nice one! Was also going to ask... is there any plan to be able to pick your own number of bars for the modulators to act over? If I have a note pattern that's 32 bars long, I'd really like to have my modulators span 31 bars, or 33 or whatever.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your reply. Yes that's sounds good.
I can see it's not such a straight forward thing to implement as there as so many different combinations of using them.
I like that they are sent even when the track is muted, which means any combination of tracks might want to send its CC data to any MIDI channel, whilst still maintaining separate tracks for notes too.
The new support is also still very good as it allows some pretty good control over some of the ambient drone patches I use that are controlled with many parameters, making for an ever changing/different but repeatable drone.
With the new pre-mod setting it can allow for interesting transitions too.
And adding my second ARP could allow for even greater control still!
Yes, It's currently sending CC on a single channel. I'll get an update out very soon that sets the CC to be output on the associated track channel. Does that sound ok?