Perhaps I'm understanding a feature wrong, but if I insert chords into the chain, the octave changes every time I change the scale. F.e. inserting a minor in oct 3 and then C major, C will be inserted in oct2. I can delete and go up so that it is oct 3 again, but I don't understand why.
Normally that's no problem at all, but during live performances I always feel stressed. Of course also, because you immediately can hear, what you are entering. That's also inconvenient - I have to insert the chords fitting to my beat, otherwise they come as I push the button.
Do I understand something wrong or is it a big with my gear?
Thanks in advance for helping
Thanks a lot!
Already spent hrs with cc outs - and thanks for the fix.
Outstanding work.
Now we get hungry - give us more cc per channel 😅
No, just kidding. I like it. If it could do more, I wouldn't have to do anything else as a musician. I could start dancing though 🤔
Thanks for your patience, I got ill..
I'm looking forward to, nice 🙏🏻
Changes to B by A wouldn't work, neither?
Of course, video follows.
That's an idea with the lock. But won't the bassline be stuck on this octave then, even if wanted to leave (up because of the Arp e.g.)?
Hi Chris,
Wow - that was kind a fast!
Thanks for your response.
First, I think we misunderstood ourselves a little:
I know, that global and chain octave are different. My problem is, when I stay in the chord chain for sequencing more chords than one, I have to change the octave to let's say oct3 for every step. Without leaving this mode the next chord is in oct2 again instead of oct3 as if someone would suppose.
In addition to your explanation, that the queue starts after leaving this mode (thanks for that, overread it somehow) it's now clear, why I hear the chord I played. Unfortunately it's in the wrong octave and therefore my bassline disappears for an instant, because oct2 would be too low to hear - within my setting at least.
And returning to your good question what it should be like for me:
If the chain would immediately be starting, ignoring what I'm pushing as an insert to the chain - that would be awesome.
But I understand that it's not as easy - combined with the others' idea of adding different bar lengths even impossible, perhaps.
I would love, if you could use ModB to control parameters of ModA 😃
Hi Michael, I think I understand the behaviour you are describing. The global octave and the chord chain octave are independent. When entering a chord into the chain, you set the Octave for the selected chain link using the Up and Down buttons. This does not change the global octave. The playback you hear when entering chords should always be at the chord chain octave and this will repeat until you add/remove a chain chord or exit the Chord Chain editor. If you use the knob to scroll through each link in the chain, you should see the chord and octave displayed as C3 Chord1, E4 Chord2, G5 Chord 3, etc. You will also hear the selected link chord, played at the chosen octave. Essentially... - When in the Chord Chain editor, the chord chain does not play. - The current Chord for the selected Chain link will play continuously.
- On exiting the Chord Chain the chain will play from the start.
- Removing all links from the chain and pressing exit will return to the last selected chord. To resolve the issue during playback, we could, perhaps, change the behaviour when editing the Chord Chain? But, what would you want the behaviour to be though?
My proposal would be to play the last selected chord or the previous chain, until you exit the Chord Chain editor. At which point, the new chain would play.
This is quite a major change. However, we are doing work in this area for a future firmware update and so I will add this for consideration. I hope this answer is helpful. Let me know your thoughts. Cheers. Chris